Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sugarloaf with friends

Sooo sugarloaf mountain!

I went with some friends to the top of the world. Really it was more like a race up and down because Matt was moving so quickly. :/ ah well. :D

It was good anyway Here are some picatures (pica pica)

This is Troy

Sarah (The only cook) and Matt (Her Boyfriend)

Circle of life!

Sadly, we had to say goodbye to Matt....

Just to show off how pretty it is! (Haha! Are you jealous?)


Grace@ MammaInTheScene said...

wow that troy guy sure is entertainment.

Bethany said...

I miss that Sugarloaf. Seems to be a popular spot as I see tons of people putting pics up on facebook that went there.

On another note, who are these people? ha
Oh and thanks for exposing Renae on to the fam on here! lol

Joni Scott said...

Now we will have to go and do the non-racing version and enjoy each step. Maybe in the spring tho...

Hannah said...

Yes Bethany, no photos of things our family can't handle just yet. We'll show them when they're older!

And chyeah ma, lets gyo!

Ken said...

Where is Sugarloaf? It is very picturesque... very, very nice. Keep the pictures of colorful trees coming (that goes for all you UPers).

The "circle of life" picture was very funny.