Thursday, July 31, 2008

Fun in the "big city"

I'm loving this new group of friends I made in Marquette at my mom's church. I like the church too! Last night we went to Taco Bell XD (Of course, where else would we go?)

This is Jenna. Isn't she hawt?
Heres...Shadee? Shawday? Shadey? However you spell it: Here she is
We left a nice little note for the Taco Bell staff that we got to know quite well :) We took a picture with all of them, but it didn't turn out :( sad.After Taco Belle, we took a trip to Adam's house. He is a fantastic singer! and musician!
Next is Emma I swear I knew her before....

This is Catherine...she doesn't always wear that hat and play those drums...but it gives you a picture of her personality
Heres my mommy's new friend. Shes Adam's mom.
And Josh. He's my little metalhead. I'm giving him any metal I own.


I'm having a difficult time with my new facebook and this blogspot. For this, I don't understand how to add friends...or whatever they're called.
How do I make all you nice people my friend so I can frequent your site without you having to post?
This I do not know.

Now, mom already showed you this...but I just want you all to know that Renee LOVED it! I let her out once and she ran around for a second and then laid back down to get burried again! She loved it :D and that made me happy. She was the perfect dog at the "no dogs allowed" beach....erson.


Joni Scott said...

Awesome! I didnt realize you video'd Adam singing. That was great. Good Job Belle!

Bethany said...

I'm glad you haven't decided not keep your strong silent role. It's good to see a bit of your life UP therrr.

And I'm glad Renee wasn't being tortured. I spose I can understand her wanting to be cozy and warm since she basically has no fur. Poor lil ratdog.

p.s. have someone help you get rid of the word verification. Very annoying.

Kelly said...

I love that heart thing that you made at Taco Bell. Very creative :)

That guy singing in the video has a cool voice...he should make a cd

Kelly said...

I'm glad to hear you're enjoying marquette!!!

Ditto's to what kelly said. That guy has a great voice. He needs to try out for American Idol.

Hannah- You need to add anonymous blogger to this site so I can reply without using Kellys password.

Aunt Lisa